Monday, January 26, 2009


2009 will be scarred with first anniversaries of terrible memories. today is the first. i remember the raw emotion i felt when i wrote this. how helpless i felt. and still do. next month.. there will be this anniversary. march and april took it easy on us. rest, i suppose for the car accident in may. tornado in june. and another dose of perspective in july. and even the sweetest joy from october was almost taken from us in december. when i say it was a trying year... that might be an understatement. just maybe. one thing is certain. it definitely made me stronger. us stronger.

so, as i face 2009, and all of its unpleasant anniversaries, im trying to hold on to that strength. i will be there for my friends.. spend more time with family.. count my blessings.. and be thankful for everyday.

love you james. love you big.


jaime said...

Thank you. I love you too

Anonymous said...

Hey you,

You know 2008 really was a horrible year for just about everyone. Here's hoping that we can all do better in 2009.

I know that your friend Jaime is hurting right now, and then you still have all of those other horrible dates coming up. I'm not sure what to do about Kathy. A card seems so insufficient.

My b-i-l Patrick in Germany (the one who was in the accident) is in the hospital with pneumonia, on a ventilator. Don't know how that will turn out.

So glad that Macy is doing better. Still getting stronger and prettier?

I miss you lots and think of you often. Would really love it if this bad streak would end soon.

Love you big too. me.

Belinda said...

Hope it's ok to add you to my blog list.Love to hear how well your doing.

Belinda eddins
Pregnancy Outreach Center