probably too old for weekends like this...
- if youre ever out to dinner.. and your date falls asleep. try not to take it personally.
anyway.. back to this weekend. the occasion was actually a birthday party for one of kyles buddies at mantus downtown. but that did not get started until 11ish so we got dressed early, dropped off the baby and went out to dinner. pf changs in addison. it was a very nice dinner. then we met up with sam and made our way downtown.. mantus is always a cool scene. we did not do a very good job of capturing the evening on film.. in fact we got three pics on the way out... all three compliments of the artist known as kp. sorry!
- the fact that faiths hair seemed a little humidity-out-of-control - makes her normal like us, sort of.
- they sang ANGRY ALL THE TIME together, which is my favorite Tim song EVER!
- ive seen him in concert before and he always does a few really great covers.. i think i called/texted everyone i know when he sang DAC's the ride. Well, I climbed out of that Cadillac and I said Mister, many thanks.he said you don't have to call me mister, Mister.The whole world calls me Hank. it was almost as good as beerman doing it the night before! if only tim would sing pancho and that would have been cool.
- the random limo ride back to our parking lot.. thats a whole post by itself.
i am so glad we went.. THANKS JEN! what a great idea.. again - like a bad blogger i did not have my camera. but we made friends with the peeps in front of us and they emailed theirs. very thoughtful! funny though. the pics of tim are much more clear than the pic of the four of us... we were a little fuzzy by the end of the night anyway. so i guess its only fitting.