Tuesday, March 27, 2007


it has been a little while since my last post... but for good reason. our house, and therefore life, has been in a complete state of disarray for SO long. remember the amazing gift that has been keeping us out of our home? new floors down stairs. all the carpet, tile and yukky vinyl flooring was taken out and the concrete resurfaced..cleaned..scored..and stained. it was a project that was supposed to take a week...that week has turned in to almost a month. so, last thursday my husband decided to reclaim our house and just finish it himself. a lot of the work had already been done..even the pattern was already cut..but i assure you that all the hard stuff was left for the end. on thursday night, while i went about our normal routine of dinner and putting the kids to bed, kyle spent hours scraping the last of the mortar off the floor in the front hall where the tile had been and on his hands and knees scrubbing (and scraping) the glue off the floor in the half bath. on friday after work he did the same in the kitchen and the pantry. late night on friday Brye and Aaron came over to lend a hand. though it was very had work, i think they enjoyed hanging out. they definitely had a good laugh over using the buffer for the first time. saturday was more of the same. retaping (my only contribution).. mopping.. drying ..remopping..redrying.. finally at 9pm we were ready to STAIN!!!! on sunday kyle handpainted a few areas, sealed and added the gloss, and it is beautiful!!! we put all the furniture back on sunday evening (thanks again to aaron and brye). on monday kyle stayed home from work to help me clean, you cannot imagine the dust! and finally today, well, it feels good to be home! we cannot wait for everyone to see. it looks great. theres still work to do - like baseboards.. but now that the 'pain' is over...i can honestly say it is truly the best gift.

in progress..

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