Tuesday, February 3, 2009

a little love for uncle sam..

on saturday morning we woke up missing sammy b.. so we made a quick trip to austin to have dinner with him and hang out for the evening. then we drove back on sunday morning. all total.. we were away for 24 hrs away. not long enough.. but it was well worth the drive.

and judging by this giant welcome.. i think he was glad to see us too!
i love this pic of korb and sam laughing!
and the look off..
kp2 has perfected the look off that his dad and uncle sam mastered long ago. we had a great time sam! thanks for taking time out of your weekend for us! we will have to do it again soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the pics!! love yall more. it meant so much for yall to come visit.