our dave matthews weekend..
me and kel!
and one random pic with one of the guys from maryland we hung out with in the lot
me and kel!
and one random pic with one of the guys from maryland we hung out with in the lot
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
1:57 PM
funny how God works.. and how your perspective can be changed in the blink of an eye. or.. in this case the ringing of your cell phone. kyle came home so frustrated after the dr's appt on thursday.. overwhelmed by the morning and by the giant list of medication. we were not necessarily feeling sorry for ourselves, because again, korb seems fine. if you didnt know the symptoms you would never know hes sick.. if he were unenergetic and needy im sure 'feeling sorry for ourselves' would be the correct statement. i think overwhelmed and a little down totally describes our mood at the time.. anyway, just as kyle got out the door for work and i got korb started on lunch my cell phone rang. it was jaime carter... as you know jaime and i grew up together. k-12.. childress ISD. she was calling to let me know that she had just spoken with her mom. her mom had shared with her that a good friend of ours from school was here in dallas at parkland with her little girl mycah and that mycah was very sick. and they suspect it might be leukemia. talk about a wake up & count your blessings moment. jaime and i both went to work trying to figure out a way to get in touch with our friend angie. jaime finally decided to call the hospital and just try to find them that way. mission accomplished. angie shared with her that mycah had been sick for a little while (weeks.. not months) with normal childhood runny nose, fever, ear infection type symptoms. on tuesday evening things seemed much worse so they took her to the ER in waxahachie (they live in midlothian). on thursday afternoon when jaime spoke to her she was expecting the worst. jaime asked if she and i could visit on friday evening and bring dinner. so thats what we did. jaime prepared a meal (dont worry i didnt cook anything) and we headed out around 6. the family had just gotten the official diagnosis a few hours before we arrived. it is leukemia. i cannot imagine. they were told by the dr's that its 'the good kind'.. and that if you had to pick one for your child - this is the one you would pick. and if you had to choose an age 4 and half..is the perfect one. the recovery rate is very high. it will be a long road.. 2.5 years of treatment. but they can beat it. i must admit that in the face of it all.. i would be a basket case. i was so amazed with angie's strength. she was taking great peace in the statistics and just seemed very matter of fact in her stance that they will beat this. and that it will make them stronger. she had the best attitude! we asked if she wanted us to spread the word.. and her answer was 'yes, i want people to pray'. so im making a request.. PRAY FOR MYCAH! and for angie and chris. and their parents and friends. they will need so much love and support in the next few years. i will share any updates i receive..
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
9:49 AM
sorry its taken me a few days to get this post out. we had a busy weekend.. but before we get to that post.. i wanted to let everyone know what happened at the pulmonologist appt last thursday. kyle took the morning off work to spend with korb at the dr's office. they arrived around 820 for an 830 appt. they finally made their way home around 11. both exhausted! they havent specifically diagnosed him as asthmatic.. but the clues are there. for now we are on a respiratory treatment regimen to get his lungs completely clear... 5 breathing treatments a day for the rest of the week. and then 3 a day until we can make it thru an entire week with out coughing/wheezing. he also has a touch of reflux. (he coughs when he drinks.. and asperates a little each time - keeping his bronchial tubes contantly full of fluid) so we have to give him a daily medication for that.. and we have to use this thicking gel in all his liquids - to help him swallow them and keep them down. both of his ears were infected.. so we have an antibiotic for that. and some allergy medication to boot. thats a lot of stuff for a little guy who made it an entire year with out any antibiotics! we understand that we just have to get his little lungs well before flu and rsv season hit. it will be much easier for him to bounce back from even a cold if he goes into it well .. instead of adding to a cough. the breathing treatments stink! he hates them. and its a lot of medication.. so its a 15 minute struggle. completely exhausting for him.. and me. hopefully we will soon be down to daily preventative medicine! then we will only have to fight our way thru 2 each day. please understand that he is definitely not 'sickly'. infact, i have to remind myself after every screaming breathing treatment that he really does need this. and that it will help him rest so much easier in the long run. to watch him play.. you'd never know he's working harder than any other child to move air thru his little lungs. and we are doing all of this to make sure the healthy kid you see running around is truly all there is to see.
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
7:07 AM
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
2:02 PM
not ketchup-kenners! catch up.. as in its been awhile since ive written in the blog...i cannot believe its already the 18th of september! we've been so busy. imagine that! lets see - what have we done lately? you know what happens when i dont blog for a while.. a list. sorry! its just who i am. two fridays ago kyle took korb for his 12 month well baby check up. i sent a 'list' with him of questions to ask. more like a book, i was later told. anyway, when he pulled it out in the office Dr. E said to him.. i love your wife. its just the most efficient way!
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
2:11 PM
mid-september! its flying by.. just wanted to update everyone on korb. aka-the little man. year 2 is not as grand as year 1 so far! dont get me wrong.. he is so happy and so into everything! the phrase all boy has new meaning to me! however.. he did start out the month with a bad case of pink eye.. and after our family reunion visit to childress he was terribly congested. so when he made it to see Dr E on friday the 7th for his 1 year well-baby visit..he was not exactly well. the stats of the visit were .. 25lbs 13 oz. 32.25 inches tall. (ironically dalton had his 18 month well baby check up the following monday and their measurements were exactly the same.. jenny and i decided we would keep those 'stat sheets' to show them when they are older for sure!) so his visit was good and bad. she confirmed that he is genius..but we already knew that, right?!? jk! she did say that he is right on track or ahead of the game in motor skills and vocabulary. very healthy over all.. but she did have some concern about the wheezing she could hear in his little chest. so .. after a week of prednisone (a steroid used to treat the lungs) and breathing treatments every 4-6 hours we went back to see Dr E last friday. his lungs were better.. but still congested. she sent us for a chest xray (the results of which were very good) and referred us to a pulmonologist. nothing to worry about too much. just means he might have a slight case of asthma like mommy. very manageable. his appt with the pulmonologist is thursday. keep him in your prayers... and i will keep you posted!
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
2:10 PM
kennedys bday is less than a week away! she is turning 8!!! we've been discussing her party.. shifted gears as soon as its all about korb was over. however.. this year she's decided she's to old for a big balloon filled party with a pinata and a craft to complete. so, the plan is to have 5 or 6 girls over.. a tahoe full if you will. we will be going to dinner and then a movie. followed by a sleepover. very grown up. where did my baby girl go???
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
2:09 PM
before we get to the actual party.. you should know about the shirt. with the help of my friend kelly, the week before the party (in between collage making..), we shopped for t shirts to print on. and with the help of a family friend, george trent, they were adorned with a stunning pic of the little man.. and the catch phrase of the day ~ it's ALL about korb! of course..the original idea was for fam.. team palmer, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc to participate. BUT because of all of her hard work in helping me prepare.. i asked team cardwell to participate as well. there were 12 people all together.. including the star himself. his shirt read.. ~ it's ALL about me. they turned out so cute. i really wanna wear mine again! and then there was the party! on labor day the true bday festivities went down.. korbs first birthday party was a success! or at least it was all about korb..just as we planned. my best guess is there were about 50 people here.. special thanks to the REDDICKS for taking pics! it was such a relief to let someone else be in charge of that! THANK YOU! here's a look at korb and some of his buddies...
not sure its necessary to label..but there might be peeps in here that arent too recognizable. excluding this first shot of course!
kelly & ava, mommy & korb, jaime & bexkorb & auntie kel
korb & molly
korb & bex
a playroom FULL of friends
wanting to be held.. not that anyone at this party was a stranger to him - but its worth noting that he (like his sister) has never met a stranger. he will gladly go to ANYONE. kinda scary.
korb & nana
korb & mommy.. not the best pic. stupid cheesy smile-but the only one i can find of just the two of sort-of looking at the camera.
korb & daddy
korb, daddy and grandpa jim
korb with daddy, grandpa springer and grandma trish
some pics of korb's buddies.. dalton & ali
love this shot of bex!
amy & cash, kelly, aunt jenny!
gracyn & kari.. you guys are next!
team cardwell.. love those shirts!
nana with ava & sarai can think of several more that we did not get good pics of (and by 'we' i mean jeff!) jk ;).. uncle sam, the kanuths, sandra & zachary campbell, alyson miller, the dreinhoffers, uncle mark, erin kennedy, the mincheys, the rest of the carters, aka jaime and brye, kelli, kaitlyn, kelsi, kaden and the cusanos. im sure there are tons im forgetting! so sorry!!!
and then there was cake..
my mom's friend made this awesome cake.. she took her the invitation that kennedy and i made.. and she copied it exactly. right down to the polka dots. AND it was absolutely delicious AND no one took a picture of it. doesnt that stink! anyway.. she made a smaller version for korb. it was really cute! he ate some..
shared some more..
and some more.. all the way to the bathtub! such a good boy!
and then there were presents..
so many presents! thank you all! kyle will have those thank you cards out in the next week, he promises!
this one cracked me up.. everyone got into the spirit! there are tons of opening presents pics.. but this is my favorite.
after most everyone went home.. korb and ava took a little nap while we tried to recover the house. then korb put on his poker face and we played a little cards.
it was really a great day! i hope everyone enjoyed themselves!! thanks for being here to help us celebrate the first year of our little mans life!
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
12:36 PM
over labor day weekend my fathers family has started a tradition of getting together for a reunion. informal.. burgers and dogs saturday night & lunch in the park on sunday. just enough time for everyone to catch up.. and then they are off. this is the third year.. and it was a lot of fun! my family had to miss it last year.. that's not completely true - kennedy went with nana and papa to represent us.. but korb was born on the wednesday before so he & i were not really up for traveling.. and nick, jenny and dalton were here visiting him. this year we all made the trek so the 'ronnie shoffners' were in full force! all of my dad's brothers and sisters were there.. and most of their children and grandchildren. crazy to think two people could come together and create such an amazingly diverse and broad group of people. im sure its bitter sweet for my dad and his siblings.. makes me miss my grandparents for sure. they would have had a great time! im sure they were both looking down on everyone together with smiles.. kinda like sunday lunch after church when i was a kid - complete with all the boys playing football. funny.. i dont ever remember them taking a break to get some oxygen back then.. or complaining they were soar two days later. funny how things change but for a moment still seem the same. i didnt do the best job at capturing the moment.. but i did get a few good shots.
the label on the side of this wagon clearly stated 'do not place children inside'..problem is korb and dubbers cant read.
Posted by
Jammi Palmer
10:55 AM